Asked Questions ?
Is Marble Durable?
Marble is a relatively soft stone compared to other natural stones, such as granite or quartzite, and can be prone to scratches, chips, and staining.
Can Marble Be Repaired If It's Damaged?
Minor damage to marble, such as scratches or chips, can often be repaired using a marble repair kit. However, more extensive damage may require professional repair or replacement of the affected area.
Which is better for my sink, a single-handle or double-handle faucet?
This one’s up to you, and with a bit of research, you can decide what’s right for you. While a single-handle faucet offers convenient control of water volume and temperature, double-handle faucets offer additional styles and spout designs.
What is the difference b/w handshower & overheader?
Handshower is detachableer head that can be directed to the body by hand whereas, Overheader direct water onto the user from the top.